Miss Jackie's Swim Place Online Swimming and Water Safety Lessons
Sing Along with Sally Seal
Water can be lots of fun, if you know the rules.
We learn how to safely play, when around the pool.
At Miss Jackie's Swim Place, we have lots of fun.
And she always teaches us, Safety is Number One.
I am Sally, and I like to play,
Our friend Miss Jackie will teach us the way.
And always playing safe, can be lots of fun.
So come on all you swimmers!
Miss Jackie and Sally Seal
Cardinal Cushing sits in the tree watching the happy children learn to swim.
Lizzie Lizard scurries around the pool laughing and listening to Miss Jackie's rules.
Goldie Fish is one of Sally Seal's best friends. She loves when the children feed her yummy fish food.
Frankie Frog hops from the pond to the pool croaking remember to practice the frog kick, too!
Bennie Blacksnake curls up in the shade under the diving board so he can stay cool while watching swimmers play and practice using the reaching pole.
Tina Turtle never gets tired of showing the children how to do the turtle float. Take a deep breath, tuck your chin to your chest and hug your knees so the water can pick you up.